Ambassidae: K III B9B
Ambassis ambassis (Lacepède, 1802). (= productus)
Longspine glassy
Egg diameter in µm |
Number of oil globules |
Diameter of oil globule in µm |
Yolk texture |
Perivitelline space |
Position of oil globule at hatch |
Gut length at eye- pigment stage |
Myomeres |
625 |
1 |
190 |
clear |
narrow |
bow |
30% of NL |
24 |
Egg: This egg has only been seen in 4 samples, but is included here as it appears distinctive (A). The oil globule is rendered brown, centrally, due to the dense cluster of black pigment below the yellow (A). The large oil globule, relative to egg diameter (30%) is also unusual.
Larva: As illustrated. B: 1 day, C: 2 days, D: 3 days (23°C).
This egg was only seen three times off Park Rynie, all in November. It was assumed to be an ambassid (possibly washed out of a local estuary), of which only A. natalensis and A. ambassis (=productus) are potential candidates, since A. dussumieri (=gymnocephalus) is accounted for (see KIIIB9).A batch of 13 eggs seen in November 2012, yielded 4 barcodes, which match 3 locally collected Ambasis ambassis (BOLD). Identification is tentative, until confirmed by at least one more larval barcode